Events/Workshops/ Masterclasses
Ongoing classes
Monday Evenings 7:00-8:00PM
Feel peace and calm when you connect to the sacred place within using meditation. All levels welcome.
Yoga and Breathwork Classes
Sunday Mornings at 9am
Hammer House
Buckley Street Essendon
Bookings are ESSENTIAL
Please call or email your reservation
Course Offerings
Join me for one group session or book the entire course. I love to empower and facilitate personal growth. As a school teacher for almost 20 years, I am a keen educator and love to share information so you have the tools to listen to yourself and heal yourself. My offerings include
Detox and Restore
Upgrade Your Immunity
The Impact of Food on Mood
Detox and Restore
Wherever you are on your journey, a holistic detox & restore is a great place to hit the reset button.
In this course I will share,
how to identify and remove toxins from your external and internal environment
herbs, nutrients and lifestyle practises to support the body’s cleansing pathways
connect to living in alignment and flow
Part 1 — Body Detox & Restore- $50 including foods, supplements, herbs and daily rituals.
Part 2 — Mind Detox & Restore - $50 including meditation & breathwork to create stillness and space.
Part 3 — Soul Ignition - $50 where the magic is!
Course Begins Sunday March 19th @ 2:30- 4pm.
Package - All 3 Masterclasses $125
Bookings Essential. Call Tina for more information on 0478 810 866
Upgrade Your Immunity by Boosting Viral Resilience and Recovery
Interested in upgrading your immunity but don’t know where to start?
In this workshop series I will share,
How to rejuvenate your immune system with food and herbs.
Improve your recovery, mood and energy by learning about the gut-immune connection
Lifestyle tips and modifications to optimise immune strength
BONUS - Receive an Easy Meals recipe book for immune resilience
Week 1 — Introduction to immunity
Week 2 — Herbs to support immunity
Week 3 — Nutrition to support immunity
Week 4 — Habits to support immunity
Masterclasses starting
May 21 2023 2-4pm
$50 investment per masterclass
The Impact of Food on Mood
Growing evidence supports that pro-inflammatory cells can travel throughout the body and penetrate the blood-brain barrier, impacting mood and behaviour.
In this workshop you will hear all about
the multiple biological pathways have been suggested for how food can influence mood, prime among them the gut microbiome. Other potential mechanisms include oxidative stress, low-grade chronic inflammation and blood sugar spikes.
the best foods to eat to optimise mood
the role of gut microbiome on mood
More Information Coming Soon
Want to Know About Live Events?
Sign up to attend my live webinars or classes, which explore different strategies for better connecting the mind & body.
Setting Up a Meditation Practice
Jan 29 · 2-4 pm - SOLD OUT
New dates coming
Pathways to Alignment
April 2 · 2025 · 2 - 4 pm $50
Spaces are limited
Upgrade Your Immunity
JUNE 17 · 2 - 4PM $50
Did you know, your iris can reveal information regarding the health of your organs and your nervous system?
Did you know, your iris markings can display potential genetic conditions?
What do your Eyes say about You?
There is wisdom embedded in our body - especially in our eyes. The information from the markings in your eyes is more unique to you than your fingerprint!
Iridology is the method of observing and analysing the colour, structure, pattern and other characteristics of the iris (the coloured part of the eye that surrounds the pupil) to gather information about your systemic health. Iridologists use these observations to determine which tissues or organs in the body are inflamed, underactive or stressed.
The Iris can bring to light inherent strengths and vulnerabilities presence and location of inflammation in the body the vitality/energy level of the person the state of the nervous system acid/alkaline levels and mineral needs.
Iridology is an ancient diagnostic tool. The word “iris”, stems from the Greek language and means “rainbow” or “halo”. The Iris not only displays inherent strengths and vulnerabilities but also the presence and location of inflammation in the body, the vitality/energy level of the person, the state of the nervous system, acid/alkaline levels and mineral needs.
In this 1 ½ hour introductory workshop with Tina from 'The Holistic Remedy' you will learn
How to read simple signs in your iris and what they can tell you about your health
The meaning of your fibre constitution
Areas of health that require nurturing
Recognise how energy centres or chakra can be reflected in the fibres of the eye
How to address an energy centre healing