What do your Eyes say about You?

There is wisdom embedded in our body - especially in our eyes. The information from the markings in your eyes is more unique to you than your fingerprint!

Iridology is the method of observing and analysing the colour, structure, pattern and other characteristics of the iris (the coloured part of the eye that surrounds the pupil) to gather information about your systemic health. Iridologists use these observations to determine which tissues or organs in the body are inflamed, underactive or stressed.

The Iris can bring to light

  • inherent strengths and vulnerabilities

  • presence and location of inflammation in the body

  • the vitality/energy level of the person

  • the state of the nervous system

  • acid/alkaline levels and mineral needs.

*PLEASE NOTE Iridology is not used to diagnose or detect an illness or disease and is instead interpreted in context of objective data, symptoms and personal medical history etc.


Further information: Upon purchase please email a photograph of BOTH of your eyes to info@theholisticremedy.com.au. Be sure to take the photo as close as possible and in daylight to enhance detail.

All iridology reports include the following

  • An individual analysis including identified iris signs, constitution & subtype

  • Personalised dietary and lifestyle recommendations based off your iris

  • You will receive your report within one week of sending photos.

Did you know, your iris can reveal information regarding the health of your organs and your nervous system?

Did you know, your iris markings can display potential genetic conditions ?

Iridology is used as a diagnostic tool during an Initial Naturopathic Consultation, however, for a detailed Iris Analysis Report Consultation, book an Inital Naturopathic Consultation and let Tina know at the beginning of the consultation that you wish to have a Iris Analysis and report consultation.